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Mosfet receiver 1CH 3-12v

11,44 €
11,44 €

Product Info

Mosfet receiver 1CH

Working mode

This product comes preconfigured on LATCH mode, but can be changed at any time. To change the working mode you need to make an electronic soldering on the board, as explained on the instructions. If you want to avoid making this yourself, choose the preferred working mode so we can send it configured according to your needs.


You can find the instructions in the support section, on the top menu.


Thursday, 20 September 2018
El Receptor Mosfet 1CH 3-12v funciona correctamente con el pequeño tamaño que tiene, que puede ser oculto en cualquier sitio, para activar cualquier motor o led a distancia y que tiene la misma salida de voltaje al activar el circuito. recibido todo correctamente.
javier grañena