Este es el último episodio de la temporada! Hoy os cuento un proyecto al que le tengo mucho cariño. Os voy a mostrar como realizar una levitación de una luz como si fuera una luciérnaga. Solo se necesita un poco de pulso y paciencia, pero es muy fácil de realizar.
Jajaja...q grande Martín, muy bueno y practico video...pero sobre todo divertido...un fuerte abrazo.
Excelente, practico y super visual!! lo intentare en alguna rutina!! Felicidades por la primer temporada!!
Mi mas sincera enhorabuena por la temporada, espero que haya mas. Supongo que al mago que te refieres es J*** M****** y su juego de M******. Si la idea era tuya Martín muchas felicidades.
Muchas gracias a todos!
Estamos planificando la segunda temporada para que sea mejor que la primera. A ver que sale
Nice video. We come full circle. I arrived at your site trying to reach Juan for some information on a couple of his products, one of the being the LED trick. I help a magician friend develop routines and tricks, and he bought a copy of the trick and got very excited to routine it. Having spent much of my youth chasing fireflies, I immediately thought of them. I have built a small Arduino firefly flash simulator for background, but so far cannot convince my friend to go that way. Oh well . . .
Hehe, well. Maybe if you show him my firefly he will like it.
I tried to make it flash and dim gradually with a microcontroller, like a firefly, but the results i got didnt really add to the realism, so i stick with the simple method i explained. I think like it is is very deceptive. Even the movement is quite natural.
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