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In this episode I explain what resistors are and how we can use them. We will also see the power of resistors, variable resistors, and potentiometers. Don't miss it!
To know the value of the resistor, there are color codes. Just type "resistor value" and you will get a result of color codes.
The calculation that involves VOLTAGE, INTENSITY, and RESISTANCE is the Ohm's law:
Voltage = Intensity * Resistance
This means if we have a 9V battery and we want 100mA (0.1A) as resistance in the circuit, we do the calculation:
Resistance = 9V / 0.1 A = 90 ohms
Now to know the power of our resistance, we have the following calculation:
Power = Voltage * Intensity
If our voltage is 9V and our current is 0.1A, the minimum power of the resistance must be:
Power = 9V * 0.1A = 0.9 W
Next week's episode, we will see pyrotechnics using resistors!
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Enhorabuena por el contenido y las aplicaciones practicas de tu videoblog. Espero con entusiasmo la publicación semanal de los miércoles.
Me encantan tus videos Martin. Creo que son una herramienta potentísima para todo mago.Enhorabuena!!
Muchas gracias! Contadle a vuestros amigos magos de este blog asi somos cada dia mas!
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